The Hospitality center acts as an "in-between" center for patients and families. It is used as a base where patients can stay while they wait for their surgeries and where they can stay when they are recovering. Also they do physio therapy and run an eye clinic. In the second photo, a group of nurses spent a couple of hours giving the women at the center full foot massages and pedicures. For most of the woman this was the first time they had ever had this kind of special attention. I happened to be there and was designated the photographer. You should have seen these woman, some in their 50's and 60's, they were giggling and slightly overwhelmed with excitement. It was a pretty amazing event. I spent an entire memory card on one of the ladies cameras taking photos of the woman and then showing them.... they were so funny. I could not get them to smile for the photos but as soon as I would show them the photo on the camera they would break out into a huge smile and show all their friends.
So many memories and experiences... hard to capture them all!
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